During the course of the semester I have learned a lot about my own invisible narratives and myself. Looking back at my first paper I can see that I have my own invisible narratives that I had never really noticed. For example during my first written assignment I wrote about how I believe in hard work and that hard work truly pays off. I feel like I created the idea that if you don’t work hard that you shouldn’t have things go your way. Also I made it seems like people that give up when things get tough are weak. That people who aren’t really strong or capable shouldn’t even be in the game and are just taking up space. This isn’t a good mindset and I didn’t even realize that this was my mindset. But that isn’t the way way I want to view things. Another invisible narrative I found about my self and my ideas is the fact that I believe heavily on evidence and that’s why I believe in science and disagree with some of the things the bible says in its text.
I ultimately do
want to reduce the impacts these narratives have on people around me and as
well as the effects they have on me. In class we have learned about oppression
and both sides of this. I don’t want to be an oppressor and I feel like I can
lower the impact of my narrative and ideas on others by simply stopping and
thinking about how not everyone is like me and that’s what makes the world so beautiful.
The worlds diversity is what makes the world such a wonderful and interesting
place. To reduce the effects f my own narratives on myself I feel like I need
to more open minded to the opinions and views of others because that can help
me change my views for the better to make me a better-rounded person.
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