Student Loans Are Not Helpful, Scholarships Are
College is very important for those who want to better their lives and have a career. Without a college degree, you can not make much money or even apply to certain jobs because you will not be qualified. However college is very expensive , we have to pay for tuition, food , books , room and board, in addition to transportation.
Most students coming into college are financially stressed. We have been living with our parents for years and having to take on so much responsibility is frightening but we do it because we've determined to change our lives. Most of us have parents that will not be able to finance this determination which means we something will be doing it on our own; yet we still apply unaware of how truly expensive it is to earn a college degree. Unknowingly and with nothing more than hope carrying us, we fall into the trap of the student loan.

Students are given very little advice for graduating college without debt, in fact we are encouraged to take out loans and told that is it the normal expectation to survive being in school by taking out loans. It is very rare that we are advised to apply for as many scholarships as possible or grants, so we don't apply. They saw that knowledge is power but it seems that only those with power or wealth can access the knowledge. School expenses places restrictions on our education, having to constantly worry about debt, makes it difficult to focus on studying.
Taking out student loans is an option, but it should not be presented to students as the only option. Why take borrow money,when we can have free money? Loans can only put us in debt and hold us back and should be avoided at all cost and whenever possible. The only way to avoid being in debt is by applying for grants and scholarships, although some may take effort to get the requirements in, the exchange of being able to graduate without debt, is worth the effort.

Grants and scholarships are free money and help pay for school expenses without the worry of any debt.The process to apply for grants or scholarships is exciting,the best part is that students can apply to as many as they want as long they meet the qualifications. So there is in fact no need to take focus on loans alone, there are other options it is just a matter of getting the right advice and doing the research. This way students can focus on learning and not calculating debt, this alone will help to reduce the feelings that lead to giving up and dropping out of school.
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