Praise is an act of approval and commendation. So why can praising a child ever be a bad thing? What's wrong with a little motivation and self-esteem by just saying "Good Job!"? Well a little motivation can't hurt anyone but it comes to an extent where too much praise can come at a very high price. Kids are the future why not let them know that eveything they do is good, beautiful, awesome! Sometimes us adults use our words very bluntly and that is a no bueno especially with kids. Too much praise in a child's life can lead them through a trail of dissapointment. Unable to overcome challenging situations, try new things just becasuse of the fact they don't want to fail.
Newsday the Long Island and New York News showed research that parents trying to build self-esteem in their kids may be setting them up for dissapointment. Overpraising creates overinflated egos, not positive self-esteem. It also overly protects children from experiencing conflict and failure. There's different ways a child can be negative. When praise is constant, you run a big risk that your child won't take your praise seriously anymore. Same goes with the child feeling letdown and having really high and unrealistic expectations. The end result to this is just a big puddle of dissapointment in their self and eventually the feeling of not being able to please their parents or win their praise.

As a child grows they start to notice more and more and if praise is still being used at home, your child might not be one of the people others will like to be around. What do we call a person who thinks they are the best and deserve all the attention? Yeah you can say asshole or he/she is so full of themselves but the right term here to use is
Narcissistic. Being nacissistic means excessively loving and admiring yourself. We all know someone or a few people like that and can be a little hard to be with because they require attention. Everything has to be about them, their looks, facebook, instagram, home, love life problems. ME ME ME! I can rant about this in another editorial but staying on topic how did these people come to be like this yeah media has a lot to do with it but home is the start. Parents, even teachers especially in grade school need to be extra careful a kids brain is like a sponge and will absord the smallest things. You're Good Job that's AMAZING on your kids drawing of you with lines as arms and legs won't win them first prize.

In other countries like China praise is very rare. A country where most people are expected to be math wizzes, become doctors and always strive to be the best than the person next to you. If praise is barely used in China how did these kids ever know when they are pleasing their parents?
An Article written by Christina H from Cracked.com explains
why parenting in China should not be imitated.
So we can't praise our kids too much and also not praise them at all? Where are you getting here missy? Well too much or too little of anything is bad.So what are the right ways to praise our children? Jennifer Henderlong Corpus and Mark Lepper, who have analyzed over 30 years of studies o the effects of praise have determined that praise can be a powerful motivation if you follow these
guildelines. Overall their main idea is when you praise just be specific in what you're praising, make sure it's realistic and encourage them to strive and do better. Keep it moderate, don't overuse and you will have a child that is ready to learn and if they fail they;ll know that all it takes is ractice because you can't succeed without hard work and failing beforehand.
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