assignment 3
For my research paper I decided to write about physician assisted suicide. During my research I found a current situation that happened to a woman named Brittany Maynard. She decided to move to Oregon to be put to death because California don't allow it. She chose to die this year on November first because she had terminal brain cancer and only have one month to live. This situation touched my heart and I didn't look at her situation as her killing herself, I supported her wanting to die with dignity to have a peaceful death. Her story was the most interesting information for my research and gave my argument meaning. In fact,her situation gave me a different outlook on physician assisted suicide because me personally I don't agree with it I don't feel like I will have the guts to do it however, in her situation I feel sympathy and wanted to argue that people with terminal illness such as Brittney should be able to have physician assisted suicide as a choice to end their pain.
Didn't expect a post like this, but nice research for your paper.
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